home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ========
- 1. Getting started
- 2. Finding out what's new
- 3. Finding a specific file
- 4. Directory structure
- 5. Mirror sites of Aminet
- 6. Accessing Aminet on the Internet
- 7. Accessing Aminet without Internet
- 8. Copyright status and disclaimer
- 9. Background information
- 1. Getting started
- ------------------
- Welcome to Aminet. Aminet is a set of interconnected FTP sites and other
- file accessing services for Amiga software. It is structured differently
- from most other FTP sites so please read below instructions carefully. Even
- more important: Read new/README.BEFORE.UPLOAD before uploading anything, or
- your upload is in danger of being deleted. Wherever not mentioned otherwise,
- pub/aminet/ is the path for the files described.
- If you are new to FTP, you'll find most of your questions answered in the
- text info/start/FTP-Help.txt here which is also posted to the newsgroup
- comp.sys.amiga.introduction bi-weekly. The archivers needed to unpack the
- files stored here can be found in util/arc/, the archivers themselves are
- self-extracting (in .run format) in most cases, ie. start them and they'll
- unpack automatically when you run them.
- 2. Finding out what's new
- -------------------------
- Once you're in pub/aminet/, you can receive the file RECENT for a list
- of the last seven day's uploads. The newest files are on the top of the
- list. In FTP, you can type 'get RECENT -' or 'get RECENT |more' to see
- the new files. Interesting files also found in CHARTS.
- Once you see a file that interests you, cd to the appropriate directory
- and have a look at the according .readme file. There you'll usually find
- a more extensive description. Based on that you may choose to download
- the file (but never forget to type 'bin' in FTP before you start!). Also,
- a copy of all recent files can be found in the directory recent/.
- 3. Finding a specific file
- --------------------------
- Before you start looking, you should be aware that not all Aminet sites
- are complete. Most delete older files. So if you don't find something at
- your 'home' mirror, use one of the big sites that keep everything online
- like ftp.wustl.edu, ftp.uni-paderborn.de or ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk
- To do a search, download the file INDEX.Z, uncompress it and search for
- the name or description you've been looking for. Under UNIX, you'd hit
- CTRL-Z in FTP after the download, type 'zcat INDEX.Z | fgrep -i foo'
- in order to look for 'foo' and then type 'fg' to return to FTP. Note:
- Files with an asterisk * in front of the description are not available
- on that site, refer to one of the complete sites.
- You may use the version from info/index/ if your terminal is capable of
- showing more than 80 characters per line. This one doesn't truncate the
- short descriptions and includes an age column.
- Better search mechanisms exist through WWW, gopher and email (see below).
- If you were looking for something on Aminet but only found it elsewhere,
- please do everyone a favor and upload it to Aminet to make the file easier
- to find for the next ones.
- 4. Directory structure
- ----------------------
- Sometimes you are looking for a certain category of file without knowing
- a name. You then best go by directory. The directories within /pub/aminet/
- are:
- new/ New files, upload here. (See new/README.BEFORE.UPLOAD)
- priv/ Private uploads. (See new/README.BEFORE.UPLOAD)
- biz/ Business software hard/ Hardware related
- comm/ Communications info/ Site information
- demo/ Euro style demos misc/ Miscellaneous
- docs/ Text documents mods/ Music modules
- dev/ Developer software mus/ Music software
- disk/ Disk tools pix/ Pictures
- game/ Games software text/ Text related
- gfx/ Graphics software util/ Utilities
- A complete list of the sub-directories can be found in the file TREE.
- A local INDEX with descriptions is in each subdirectory, however it only
- lists the files that exist on that site, not the ones available elsewhere
- on Aminet.
- 5. Mirror sites
- ---------------
- These are the members of Aminet and have the files from here. All mirrors
- have the new files but most delete old files, however ftp.wustl.edu,
- ftp.uni-paderborn.de and ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk keep all files. Whenever
- possible, use the mirror that is the closest to your place. Most mirrors
- get updated three times a day.
- Location Name IP Address Path Files
- USA (MO) ftp.wustl.edu pub/aminet/ ALL
- USA (CA) ftp.cdrom.com pub/aminet/ 9000
- USA (TX) ftp.etsu.edu pub/aminet/ 5000
- USA (WI) ftp.netnet.net pub/aminet/ 10000
- Scandinavia ftp.luth.se pub/aminet/ 10000
- Switzerland ftp.eunet.ch pub/aminet/ 5500
- Switzerland ftp.math.ethz.ch pub/aminet/ 1000
- Switzerland litamiga.epfl.ch pub/aminet/ 300
- Germany kelly.uni-paderborn.de pub/aminet/ ALL
- Germany ftp.uni-paderborn.de pub/aminet/ ALL
- Germany ftp.uni-erlangen.de pub/aminet/ 7000
- Germany ftp.uni-oldenburg.de pub/aminet/ 2500
- Germany ftp.uni-kl.de pub/aminet/ 1500
- Germany ftp.uni-stuttgart.de cd aminet 4500
- Germany ftp.uni-siegen.de pub/aminet/ 1500
- Germany ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de pub/aminet/ 4000
- Germany ftp.stud.fh-heilbronn.de pub/aminet/ 600
- Germany ftp.tu-chemnitz.de pub/aminet/ 4000
- Germany ftp.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de pub/aminet/ 700
- UK ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk pub/aminet/ ALL
- UK micros.hensa.ac.uk pub/aminet/ 8500
- 6. Accessing Aminet on the Internet
- -----------------------------------
- There are many other ways than FTP to access Aminet. On the Internet:
- - ADT. This is a front end for FTP that allows easy access to Aminet. Get
- it from misc/unix/adt*.c and compile it on your UNIX box by typing
- 'sh adt.c'
- - WWW. Mosaic or Lynx are a very decent way to access Aminet. Try the
- URLs http://ftp.wustl.edu/~aminet/ or http://ftp.eunet.ch/~aminet/
- where you can also find pointers to other Aminet sites with WWW
- support.
- - FSP. Aminet Files can be downloaded from the FSP site ftp.luth.se at
- port 6969 and from disun3.epfl.ch port 9999. ftp.wustl.edu and
- ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk have FSP on port 21, but can't be reached from
- everywhere (just try). Uploads are accepted at wustl and luth.
- - Telnet. ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk strikes again. You can telnet to
- and log in as 'sources', which gives you a UNIX account where you can
- download the files on src using commands like 'sz' and 'kermit', or
- just browse around.
- - NFS. The only Aminet site that allows NFS mounting of the archives is
- ftp.wustl.edu. FTP there and read the details in /README.NFS
- - IRC. On Internet Relay Chat, you can talk to various server robots like
- Mama, LitBot and MerBot, to do queries and retrievals. Find out more
- about them using '/msg mama help', for example.
- - Finger. To find out what's been uploaded to Aminet within the last
- week, enter 'finger aminet@ftp.wustl.edu', 'finger aminet@ftp.eunet.ch'
- or 'finger aminet@ftp.etsu.edu'
- - Gopher. Gopher is specially supported by several Aminet sites. Just
- type 'gopher <sitename>' or 'gopher -p <startpoint> <sitename>'.
- USA (MO) ftp.wustl.edu 1/pub/aminet/info/goph
- USA (TX) ftp.etsu.edu 1/AmigaArchives/Aminet
- SWITZERLAND ftp.eunet.ch 1/pub/aminet/info/goph
- GERMANY ftp.uni-paderborn.de 1/Service/FTP/Direct/ftp-server/aminet
- UK ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk 1/pub/aminet/info/goph
- 7. Accessing Aminet without Internet
- ------------------------------------
- - Get internet access. Certainly the most comfortable way to access
- Aminet but sometimes expensive. Some Internet providers are:
- USA Portal Voice 1.408.973.9111 Modem 1.408.973.8091
- Netcom Voice 1.408.554.UNIX
- GERMANY EUnet Voice +49.231.972.00 Fax +49.231.972.1111
- SWITZERLAND EUnet Voice + Fax +
- UK Demon Voice +44-81-349-0063 Fax +44-81-349-0309
- - Aminet mailserver. The Aminet mail server can do various things for you,
- like doing finds and accepting uploads, but it does not send out
- binaries. Send HELP to aminet-server@wuarchive.wustl.edu to find out
- more.
- - Bin mailserver. The Aminet site src.doc.ic.ac.uk has an email server
- that sends out uuencoded binaries. Send a message with HELP in the body
- to ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk or ftpmail@ftp.luth.se . You can also use
- ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com to retrieve files from any Aminet site, but
- please use an American one to save bandwidth. Send HELP there for
- information, too. Germans try ftpmail@uni-paderborn.de .
- Also, the RECENT and CHARTS files are available from an automatic
- e-mail server. Send mail to announce@cs.ucdavis.edu with the single
- word "help" (no quotes) in the body to find out how to use the server.
- - Modem. The following BBSes carry up-to-date Aminet files. Most have
- more phone numbers than we can mention here, call to see a list of
- the others. List sorted by phone number.
- Country Name FIDO Phone ISDN
- ------- ---- ---- ----- ----
- USA (OR) CryoCafe (+1)503 257 4823
- USA (MS) The Gateway 1:3604/60 (+1)601 374 2697
- USA (CA) Heavy Metal 1:202/1112 (+1)619 232 4919
- USA (NC) The C: Dir (+1)919 787 6211
- Canada RCN Networks (+1)418 653 3099
- Canada TunnelVisio 1:153/910 (+1)604 535 9826
- Canada Intuition (+1)905 569 1482
- France Ramses 2:320/104 (+33)1 60037015
- Italy Glass Globe 2:332/118 (+39)577 959054
- Switzerland Amiga Micro 2:301/819 (+41)1 3001008 (+41)1-3001009
- Switzerland Helvetica 2:301/723 (+41)1 3130879 (+41)1-3101016
- Switzerland Dolphins (+41)1 8450936 (+41)1-8846028
- Switzerland AmiCall 2:301/722 (+41)1 9804297
- Switzerland Turicum (+41)1 9918501 (+41)1-9918503
- Switzerland Dive-Inn 2:301/325 (+41)22 7518103 (+41)22-7518105
- Switzerland Alphanet (+41)38 414081
- Switzerland Amiga Magic 2:301/707 (+41)61 9716843 (+41)61-9730019
- Austria Amiga World 2:310/72 (+43)1 5044269 (+43)1-5047701
- Denmark Scala BBS 2:230/418 (+45)44680300 (+45)44861540
- Germany Surprise (+49)201 329761 (+49)201 8315005
- Germany T.O.M. (+49)202 595267
- Germany SMachine (+49)203 4061447 (+49)203 9940127
- Germany Future Line (+49)2041 686829
- Germany Blue Moon (+49)2065 66407
- Germany PD-STAR (+49)2065 51509
- Germany Delvinor (+49)2131 549457 (+49)2131 951253
- Germany Debuwi (+49)2236 83233
- Germany Darkness (+49)2273 1096 (+49)2273 910062
- Germany CBonn (+49)228 666588
- Germany Fantasie (+49)2381 675700
- Germany Stingray (+49)2385 6542 (+49)2385 910031
- Germany ASBM (+49)251 791650
- Germany Circus (+49)281 24001
- Germany Amiga Mbx (+49)30 3739293
- Germany TERM (+49)30 4537288 (+49)30 45470171
- Germany Quick (+49)40 5479638
- Germany ITHH (+49)40 6064098 (+49)40 60680341
- Germany DOOM (+49)4223 8355 (+49)4223 95004
- Germany Cosmos-L (+49)4232 8009 (+49)4232 94040
- Germany Flight (+49)4442 72138 (+49)4442 920362
- Germany Delbox (+49)5250 53785 (+49)5250 99952
- Germany MultiCom (+49)5321 45440 (+49)5321 305373
- Germany Black-Z (+49)6142 46278 (+49)6142 924080
- Germany SLTO (+49)615 264898
- Germany TecMania (+49)6157 87427 (+49)6157 910121
- Germany 48'er 2:2468/6020 (+49)6203 180293
- Germany WestCoast 2:2468/9718.0 (+49)6221 761304
- Germany RudisBox (+49)6253 86677 (+49)6253 972100
- Germany HIT (+49)681 399426 (+49)681 372552
- Germany Groenland (+49)6824 8444
- Germany Titan (+49)6826 800391
- Germany Outworld (+49)6831 52995 (+49)6831 995003
- Germany Outside (+49)6838 84739
- Germany BrainWave 2:246/2006.0 (+49)7071 78729 (+49)7071 971213
- Germany Amiga Univ. 2:246/1416.0 (+49)7195 179383
- Germany Uplink 2:246/2320 (+49)751 96217
- Germany Fairytale 2:246/2300 (+49)7541 24362 (+49)7541 930232
- Germany Predator 2:2490/1140 (+49)9131 14439
- Germany LSD (+49)9133 9591
- Germany Turtle 2:2490/1092 (+49)911 3241044 (+49)911 3241055
- Germany Lizard (+49)911 476948
- Germany Incubus (+49)931 781464 (+49)931 7900200
- Germany Candys --- (+49)221 462138
- Australia Continental (+61)2949 4256
- - Anonymous UUCP. In Germany, you can access the Aminet files at the
- phone numbers of Brainwave BBS (see above) using the following entry.
- Download the file "Aminet:INFO" for more information.
- anarchy Any SER 38400 ATD<Phone> BBS. ..\c ogin: uanon sword: uanon
- In Switzerland you can use the Alphanet BBS, ~/archives/aminet
- - FIDO. If you want to file-request Aminet files, you can do so by
- requesting the file INFO from 2:246/2006.0. The BBSes which have
- a FIDO node number mentioned above allow file requests.
- - Mailing lists. If you want to get the list of new uploads mailed every
- week, send a mail with 'SUBSCRIBE aminet-weekly foo@bar.edu' in the
- body to listserv@wunet.wustl.edu or if you want daily updates, just use
- 'SUBSCRIBE aminet-daily' instead. Replace foo@bar.edu with your email
- address, of course. Keep the welcome mail in case you forget how to
- unsubscribe...
- - Usenet. A list of recent uploads is posted every week to the newsgroups
- comp.sys.amiga.misc and de.comp.sys.amiga.archive.
- - EZINFO. This is an internet BBS in Switzerland. Here you can download by
- Kermit or ZMODEM, but you need to be verified to become user. Modem dial
- 01 251 20 02, then type 'call b050' to connect to EZINFO. Also try
- telnet kometh.ethz.ch and 'call b050' from internet.
- - CD-ROM. Aminet CD 3 and up are available from Stefan Ossowski, Germany
- (stefano@tchest.e.eunet.de) or Fred Fish (fnf@amigalib.com). For
- details, see docs/misc/CD-Orders.txt. Aminet CD 2 should still be
- available from Walnut Creek, talk to orders@cdrom.com
- - Aminet-on-disk. You can order single Aminet files (3 DM per disk)
- or per-directory subscriptions (2 DM per disk) from Martin Schulze,
- Parkstr. 14, 66806 Ensdorf, Germany. Phone: +49 (0) 6831 506171,
- email masc@coli.uni-sb.de . Send 3 DM in stamps or $2 to get an
- index disk with instructions.
- Aminet-on-disk is available on Amiga-Floppy (880k: 3DM, 1.76MB: 5DM),
- SyQuest 88/105/270MB and 128MB-Magneto-Optical. (DM 0.40 per Megabyte
- without media costs)
- 8. Copyright status and disclaimer
- ----------------------------------
- While the files from Aminet are freely distributable, the collection as a
- whole is copyrighted. Making a CD-ROM of it or mirroring it on a regular
- basis requires permission from the administrators. That permission will
- be granted to mirrors if they provide an upload facility. If you as an
- uploader do not like this policy, don't upload or have your uploads removed.
- The administrators of Aminet give no warranties concerning the files
- stored. Use at your own risk. Specifically, we cannot guarantee that the
- programs are virus-free, uncorrupted, freely distributable or even useful
- in any way, although we do our best to ensure the above.
- 9. Background information
- -------------------------
- - History
- Aminet was founded by members of ICU (computer science students' club) in
- Zurich, Switzerland, using an A3000UX donated by Commodore Switzerland. In
- the beginning it was one FTP site among many, but when the formerly biggest
- site (ab20.larc.nasa.gov) shut down, people started adopting amiga.physik
- as the replacement. In order to share the burden both performance- and
- network load wise, two mirror sites were installed. The new 1GB harddisk
- donated by Walnut Creek and the user community allowed us to keep all old
- files, while at the same time number of mirror FTP sites increased
- constantly to currently 10. Today, Aminet is the leading Internet source
- for Amiga software, giving authors a far-reaching distribution medium and
- the user community a place to look for both new and old freely
- distributable software.
- - Contact addresses
- Please direct reports about corrupt, illegal or infected files immediately
- to aminet@ftp.wustl.edu (do not rely on someone else doing it!). People
- who report a copyrighted file on Aminet get a free CD. For problems local
- to one mirror, check the local README's to find out about the administrator
- there. Some of the the people involved:
- Moderators
- Urban D. Mueller umueller@wuarchive.wustl.edu
- Matthias Scheler mscheler@wuarchive.wustl.edu
- Default contact address:
- aminet@wuarchive.wustl.edu
- We hope you enjoy the service.